Projects supported by the Foundation

4979 projects

Sanaa (Jemen)

Emergency Life-Saving Response: Drinking Water for War and Conflict-Affected Communities in Rapid Deterioration of District of Aljubah, Marib Governorate

Abdulrahman I. Al-Neamy
Ahmed Al-Dali

Sanaa, Jemen


neu bewilligt

Preservation of Private Manuscript Libraries of the Historical City of Kawkaban, Yemen

Abdulrahman I. Al-Neamy

Sanaa, Jemen


neu bewilligt

Yemeni Museums at Risk: Sicherung und Archivierung von Museumsobjekten im Jemen

Mohamad Ahmed Mohammed al-Sayani
Dr. Iris Gerlach, Berlin

Sanaa, Jemen


Public and private libraries in Sa'da and Sana'a, Yemen

Imam Zaid Bin Ali Cultural Foundation
Ahmed Eshaq

Sanaa, Jemen


San Cristóbal de Las Casas (Mexiko)

Cataloguing of the Guatemalan Refugees Collection and cataloging and digitization of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation-Democratic National Convention Collection (EZLN-CND)

Pablo Iribarren

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Mexiko


San Diego, CA (USA)

Coexisting: Urban and Social Environments during Mexico’s Neoliberal Transition, 1982–1994

Jordan Buchanan Downie

San Diego, CA, USA


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San Francisco (CA (USA))

Al-America: How Islamic Culture Has Shaped America for the Better - From the Time of Columbus to the Modern Age

Jonathan Curiel

San Francisco, CA (USA)


San Miguel de Tucuman (Argentinien)

Mining, Haciendas and Migration in the Andes in the 17th Century

Dr. Raquel Gil Montero
Dr. Paula Cecilia Zagalsky, Buenos Aires

San Miguel de Tucuman, Argentinien


San Salvador (El Salvador)

Integral Communitarian Development for Single Mothers, Children and Teenagers: Prevention of Street Life through Career Training

PD Giovanni Daniel Menjivar Flores

San Salvador, El Salvador


Santa Barbara, CA (USA)

The Rickshaw and the Railroad: Human-Powered Transport in the Age of the Machine

Dr. Kate McDonald

Santa Barbara, CA, USA


Dokumentation zu diesem Projekt

Scientific Agriculture and Knowledge Exchange in the Global South: Mexican Wheat Seeds in India, 1961-1991

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Soto Laveaga

Santa Barbara, CA, USA


Santa Cruz, CA (USA)

Flows of Empire: Foreign capital and the remaking of Anatolia's waterways, 1903–1945

Sean Lawrence

Santa Cruz, CA, USA


Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivien)

Digitisation and cataloguing of the Jürgen Riester – APCOB audiovisual fonds to make visible the collective memories of the indigenous peoples of the Bolivian lowlands

Lenny Roxana Rodríguez Espinoza

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivien


Socio-educational initiatives to prevent child labor in the Ayorea Degüi community of Santa Cruz de la Sierra-Bolivia

Lenny Roxana Rodríguez Espinoza

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivien


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Santa Marta (Kolumbien)

Towards the conservation and understanding of indigenous canoes in the Colombian Caribbean

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Londono Diaz

Santa Marta, Kolumbien


Santarém (Brasilien)

Mapping and cultivating (preserving) our land Agroecology to secure the land in the Brazilian Amazon

Dr. José Boeing

Santarém, Brasilien


neu bewilligt

Amazonia Now! Memory and Environment Centers in Defence of Local Heritage and the Rainforest

Prof. Dr. Gefferson Ramos Rodrigues
Dr. Emilie Stoll, Paris

Santarém, Brasilien


Dokumentation zu diesem Projekt

Living libraries: documenting endangered Munduruku materiality, Brazilian Amazonia

Dr. Bruna Rocha

Santarém, Brasilien


Santiago de Chile (Chile)

Safeguarding the photographic collection of the national library of Chile in times of crisis

Fundación Procultura
Ilonka Csillag
Soledad Abarca

Santiago de Chile, Chile


São Paulo (Brasilien)

19th International Association for the Study of Forced Migration Conference (IASFM19)

Prof. Dr. Liliana L. Jubilut

São Paulo, Brasilien
