Verzeichnis geförderter Projekte

4983 Projekte

Bristol (Großbritannien)

The power of relics: curating human bone in the British Bronze Age

Dr. Joanna Brück

Bristol, Großbritannien


Images from the past: Reconstructing Roman diet at Vindolanda through food lipids from archaeological pottery

Dr. Simon Hammann

Bristol, Großbritannien


Manipulated luxury? A pilot study to identify techniques to distinguish how and from where ostrich eggs were sourced in antiquity

Dr. Tamar Hodos
Dr. Alexandra Fletcher, London
Dr. Yvonne Gönster, Velbert
Dr. Janet Montgomery, Durham

Bristol, Großbritannien


Grave Communications: an oral history of gravedigging

Dr. Stuart Prior
Dr. Helen Frisby

Bristol, Großbritannien


Brüssel (Belgien)

The Archaeology and Oral History of Slavery in the Maniema Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dr. Noemie Arazi

Brüssel, Belgien


The Walls of Elkab Revisited: Urban Archaeology in Egypt and the Problem of Town Walls

Wouter Claes

Brüssel, Belgien


Documenting the Rise of Urbanism: EMI Sensor-Guided Archaeological Survey at Elkab (Egypt)

Royal Museums of Art and History
Dr. Dirk Huyge
Prof. Dr. Marc Van Meirvenne, Gent

Brüssel, Belgien


Third Meeting of the Amu Darya Basin Network – Triggering Cooperation across the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Central Asia

EastWest Institute
Dr. Beate Maeder-Metcalf

Brüssel, Belgien


Alternative Futures for Afghanistan and the Stability of Southwest Asia: Improving Regional Cooperation on Water

EastWest Institute
Botschafter Guenter Overfeld

Brüssel, Belgien


Five Fundamental Challenges to State Sovereignty in the Digital Age: A Descriptive and Normative Analysis

Dr. Johannes Thumfart

Brüssel, Belgien


Budapest (Ungarn)

Post-World War II Anti-Semitic Pogroms in East and East Central Europe: Collective Violence and Popular Culture

Dr. Peter Apor
Dr. Ivica Bumová, Bratislava
Dr. Tamás Kende
Dr. Valentin Adrian Sandulescu, Bukarest

Budapest, Ungarn


In den ersten beiden Jahren nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs ereigneten sich in Ost- und Ostmitteleuropa eine Vielzahl von Gewalttaten gegen jüdische Gemeinschaften, die den Holocaust überlebt hatten. Eine Forschergruppe nimmt die soziokulturellen Hintergründe antisemitischer Pogrome in der Slowakei, in Ungarn, in der UdSSR und in Rumänien vergleichend in den Blick.

Dokumentation zu diesem Projekt

Topography of Salvation. New Jerusalem in the 17th Century Ruthenian Culture

Dr. Lilya Berezhnaya

Budapest, Ungarn


Balthasar Batthyány (c. 1537-1590). Erudition, Natural Sciences and Patronage in the Life of a Hungarian Nobleman

Dr. Dóra Bobory

Budapest, Ungarn


On the Fringes of Alchemy

Dr. Dóra Bobory

Budapest, Ungarn


Democracy in East Central European utopianism

PD Dr. Zsolt Czigányik

Budapest, Ungarn


Perspektiven der Forschung zu Zentralasien

Prof. Dr. Yehuda Elkana

Budapest, Ungarn


Violence Disarmed: Conflict Negotiation and Representations of Violence in East Central Europe. An Analysis of Papal Pardons (1440−1550)

Dr. Gabriella Erdélyi

Budapest, Ungarn


The Gulag: the System and the Society

Dr. Oxana Ermolaeva

Budapest, Ungarn


Eighteenth-Century Crossroads in Ottoman Studies: Negotiating Communal, State, and Moral Boundaries

Prof. Dr. Tolga Esmer
Dr. Volker Menze, Budapest/Ungarn
Dr. Christine Philliou, New York, NY/USA
Dr. Basak Tug, Istanbul/Türkei

Budapest, Ungarn


Youth Revolt and Violence in East Central Europe: Politicizing Collective Violence, Generational Conflicts and Popular Culture (1956–1989)

Dr. Sandor Horvath

Budapest, Ungarn
