Verzeichnis geförderter Projekte

4983 Projekte

New York (NY (USA))

Modernist Monuments: A Contradiction Solved

Dr. Patrick Amsellem

New York, NY (USA)


The Frontlines of Peace: An Insider’s Guide to Changing the World

Prof. Dr. Severine Autesserre

New York, NY (USA)

Forschungsprojekt und Druckkostenzuschuss

Islam, Nation, and Modernity in China: 1900-1966

Prof. Dr. Zvi Ben-Dor

New York, NY (USA)


POIESIS - a Gerda Henkel Fellowship Program on the future of capitalism, cities, and culture

Prof. Dr. Craig Calhoun
Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett

New York, NY (USA)


Prof. Dr. Craig Calhoun (London) und Prof. Dr. Richard Sennett (London/New York) bauten im Rahmen eines in den Jahren 2009-2012 von der Gerda Henkel Stiftung geförderten Forschungsvorhabens ein internationales und interdisziplinäres Netzwerk von Nachwuchsforschern und etablierten Wissenschaftlern aus dem Bereich der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie von Fachleuten unterschiedlicher Richtungen auf, das neue Ideen für die Bearbeitung von Zukunftsfragen entwickelt und gemeinsame Projekte erarbeitet.

Dokumentation zu diesem Projekt

The development of long-term urban settlement patterns in the piedmont region of Chaacha Meana, Southern Turkmenistan

Dr. Gabriela Castro Gessner
Prof. Dr. Susan Pollock, Berlin

New York, NY (USA)


Aziz Hazara Exhibition

Muhebullah Esmat

New York, NY (USA)


Arabic-speaking Jewish communities in Europe

Prof. Dr. Katherine Fleming

New York, NY (USA)


Life in the Rust Archipelago: Natural and Human Ecologies after Capital Flight

Prof. Dr. Joseph Heathcott

New York, NY (USA)


Islamic Institutions of Higher Learning: Their Rise and Significance for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Prof. Dr. Ousmane Kane

New York, NY (USA)


Contested Sites of Feminine Agency: Ivory Grooming Implements in Late Medieval Europe

Emma Le Pouésard

New York, NY (USA)


Kirchliches Recht und Mittelalterliche Gesellschaft

PD Dr. Wolfgang P. Müller

New York, NY (USA)


New York, NY (USA)

Protecting heritage, protecting scholars: Sudan fund

Scholars at Risk Network
Dr. Robert Quinn

New York, NY, USA

Gerda Henkel Fellowship

neu bewilligt

New York (NY (USA))

A Blinding Curse: Blue and Green Eyes in the Islamic Middle Ages

Dr. Kristina Richardson

New York, NY (USA)

Marie Curie Fellowship

Ancient State Economies: The Case of the Umma Province of the Ur III State (2112–2004 B.C.)

Dr. Stephanie Rost

New York, NY (USA)


Weaving „Oriental Carpets“ into the Soviet Union: Handicraft and Folk Art at the Intersections of Nation, Commodity, and Labor, 1928–1986

Sohee Ryuk

New York, NY (USA)


The Sultan's Marbles

Sajjad Sharifi

New York, NY (USA)


Making and Knowing

Prof. Dr. Pamela H. Smith

New York, NY (USA)


Taxation and Sovereignty: The Political Economy of the Byzantine Empire, 1081–1345

Prof. Dr. Kostis Smyrlis

New York, NY (USA)


New York, NY (USA)

Reestablishing Deviance – An investigation of the life course of „career criminals“ from the Weimar Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany

Prof. Dr. Michaela Soyer

New York, NY, USA


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New York (NY (USA))

A Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Center in the Old Zerafshan Delta? Test excavations at the newly identified site of Kimirek-kum-1 (KK1)

Prof. Dr. Sören Stark
Dr. Lynne Rouse, Berlin

New York, NY (USA)
